The term anger management commonly refers to a system of psychological therapeutic techniques and exercises by which someone with excessive or uncontrollable anger and aggression can control or reduce the triggers, degrees, and effects of an angered emotional state.
Sometimes the term “anger management” refers to an educational process during which students learn very basic anger issues. For example, people rarely distinguish between the emotion of anger and the behavior they exhibit when angry. Most often people believe that when overcome by anger they are out of control. In fact, they are most often very much in control of their behavior while not in control of the emotion. It is often difficult to accept this as fact as it is much easier to excuse one’s misbehavior when the behavior was committed while one was out of control. Anger management classes attempt to remind people of their personal responsibility while providing strategies to assist in avoiding having the emotion of anger in the first place. Basic self cares (adequate sleep, exercise, and avoidance of drugs and alcohol) together with stress reduction actually seem to help reduce the number and scale of anger episodes
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but it’s unhealthy when it flares up all the time or spirals out of control. Chronic, explosive anger can have serious consequences for your relationships, your health, and your state of mind.
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The emotion of anger is neither good nor bad. It’s perfectly healthy and normal to feel angry when you’ve been mistreated or wronged. The feeling isn’t the problem—it’s what you do with it that makes a difference. Anger becomes a problem when it harms you or others.