Your Journey To Wellness

In the late ’70s Dr. Kabir developed ‘The Steps On the Journey to Wellness’ as a Psycho-educational series to provide insight into the way the human mind develops, how emotion is expressed and how behaviors are learned.

For over 30 years the program has examined how well our inner world is functioning and how to effectively manage circumstances, as well as relationships in the outer world. Such a healing process can generate a better quality of life, maximize functioning and reduce the risk of re-occurrence. This is the basic theme of the program ‘Steps On the Journey to Wellness’.

What to expect upon completion of the program:

  • A greater understanding of self
  • A broader knowledge of one’s strength and weakness
  • Attain a higher level of skill to affect change
  • Acquire an increased ability to cope and adapt
  • Increased aptitude to manage illness effectively
  • Improved capability to operate at a higher level of functioning at home, work, and in society
  • Learn to accept, appreciate and enjoy a better quality of life

Our wellness center will work conscientiously towards making you or your loved one’s life healthier and happier. We are here to help.

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